Tuesday, October 21, 2008

When the Small Fever

The mother often once feared by the fever that often arise on the small.
According to dr H Hindra Irawan Satari SpA (K), M.Trop.Paed, does not need too
worrying because fever is not dangerous, unless the body temperature reached 39 --
40 º Celsius. However, the special children and babies, increased temperature alone can be a little symptomatic of serious infection.

According to Satari, a fever should not always revealed. Because when the temperature is lowered, thus will be more difficult to find the cause. Satari add, lower body temperature immediately it can disrupt the body's defense. In addition, the virus that cause the flu and the infection of breath can work more active when the temperature cold body.

Definition of fever

When the small body temperature reached 38 degrees Celsius, it can be said to the
fever. Depending on the cause of the fever, usually arise will also symptoms
Additional as follows:

    Pain in the joints
    Decreased appetite

When the temperature reaches 39-40 º Celsius can cause halusinasi, confused, and fussy convulsions.

Causes fever

According to Satari, there are many things that can cause fever. First, fever
can occur as a response to virus infections. Second, the fever can also occur if the body heat, sun, for example due tersengat. Serious diseases such as cancer, the side effects of drugs such as antibiotics and drugs convulsions and several immunization
given to the infants and children also can cause fever identified.

Sometimes, the causes of fever can not be found. However, when the body temperature
small reach 39 º C and has been held in that time period long enough (more than 3 weeks) but doctors can not find the cause, although inspection is complete, Satari mention the circumstances as the Fever unknown origin. "Although difficult, usually causes fever can be found and treated," Satari said.

When Must Visiting Doctor?

Not all of the conditions require special handling from the doctor. However, Japan
visit the doctor if your baby shows symptoms of the following:
Chances are less than 2 months and the temperature rektalnya more than 39 º C
Conversely, temperatures are actually below normal temperature Fever and fussy without a clear reason, sleep continuously and do not give
response to stimulation provided

Satari add, increase body temperature in some children aged under 5
years can cause convulsions. Although worrisome, saying Satari, convulsions
fever does not have effect in the future. Although generally can strain
stop by itself, but if I had cramps, you can
deal with:

Remove sharp objects from a small
Breathable relaxing Developing a small shunt from the impact When I experienced convulsions more than 10 minutes to contact a doctor at once. To
facilitate the doctor, when I try to note the stark part of the body which first experienced convulsions.
First Help
When a fever, body fluids shortages, therefore, give drink adequate on the small.
Temperature <38 º C medicine is not necessary. As an alternative, try to put on clothes thin and comfortable on the small. When I sleep, use a thin blanket.

Temperatures between 38-39 º C

You can give acetaminophen / paracetamol or ibuprofen on the small.
However, do not give in too many kinds of drugs because they can
cause interference in the kidney and can cause the summer due to the
fatal. Avoid increasing the dose, albeit a small hot yet also down

Temperature> 39 º C

Give acetaminophen / paracetamol or ibuprofen on the small. Giving compress
very warm also recommended approximately 5-10 minutes after the drugs, so drugs
can continue the effect. If a small wobble in the bath, immediately
drain the body and wait. Chatter actually increase body temperature because
muscle movement generates heat. Immediately contact a doctor if the fever remains high and body to cramp more than 5 minutes.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Time to Deliver Food

Time to Deliver Food

Introducing the small to start consuming solid food needs to be done
secermat possible by the mother. Because however, this is the beginning of the habits and
eat that contribute significantly to health care in general.
This is the reason for which the experts to make a guide that can
help you start a healthy life with a correct path.

Do not Begin Too Fast.

Exclusive breastfeeding is the best option for infants in the first months life. If
You are not in a condition that allows for breastfeeding, milk formula
can be an alternative that is also good for your baby is small. Therefore, do not
hurry to immediately provide solid food on it, but to be patient
wait until the babies aged 4-6 months, according to the recommended time American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). At this age, your baby is showing signs
readiness as they can sit well without the need to disangga, can start
retrieve objects small size, and also shows the interest of the contents
eat your plate.

There are several reasons that underlie why you do not need to hurry
give the baby solid food. First, give solid food too
quickly will only increase the potential for infected baby food allergy. In the months
The first baby digestive system has not developed perfectly. So we need to
solid food will only increase the weight of the pencernaannya.

Another reason not to give the baby solid food before reaching the age of 4 --
6 months is to prevent eating too overfeed. Moreover, infants aged very
Early can not send a message to you if he felt satiety, for example,
not interested with the show or avoid. In addition, to provide food
dense overgrowth also potentially cause a small hiccup, because the baby
has not aged 4-6 months, can not chew and swallow properly.

How Must get started?

When I have been ready, remember to always give a new type of food
for several days in succession, or in one week. Start
to inform in the morning. These things will be easier for you to detect whether the small allergic to a particular type of food with signs of allergic
that may arise, such as diarrhea, itching, coughing, watery nose, ear infections and
others. You also do not need to provide food to the seasoned
Are you sure I do not allergic to a certain type of flavor.
Remember also, if I have a small stomach. So do not give food
in large numbers to him. Start with a half spoon of giving
up to one tablespoon of the beginning stages. Next, you can
increase the dosage gradually. Providing food in a small number of
several times a day better than at the same time give the portion of the
big. When will I sleep, do not let it slept with bottles of milk or fruit juice
because the sugar will only cause the teeth and lodged in his mouth.
Avoid to give honey, egg white, or milk cows on the baby before he
aged one year. Also highly recommended not to give your baby drinks
contain caffeine and soda, candy and other food that can cause a small

Guidelines Based on Age

4-5 Months
At this age, breastfeeding or formula milk is only one type of food needed
your baby (4-6 times a day), but you also can introduce a baby with
solid food. Cereals is the first solid food that you can give in
with breastfeeding babies, formula milk or water as a mixture. Start with a spoon
meals per day, then slowly add a 3-4 tablespoons, 2 times

6-7 Months
Still continue giving breastmilk or formula milk 4-5 times a day with additional 4
spoon eat cereals every day. In addition, you also can also add
cooked vegetables with the mashed or baby food is easily prepared. Fruits
The mashed you can begin to introduce one month after you introduce
vegetables. Fruits and vegetables can give you gradually portion 4-5 with a spoon
eat one to two times a day.

8-9 Months
In addition you need to continue giving breastmilk or formula milk (3-4 times a day), cereals
(4-5 tablespoons), vegetables and fruit (1-2 times a day), you can also provide
berprotein the food is cooked perfectly, such as chicken, beef, fish, liver, cheese,
and yellow. Start with a portion 1-2 gives tablespoons then
can be increased to 3-4 tablespoons each day.

10-12 Months
Diet for your baby can be given to the following pattern: 3-4 times of breastfeeding or milk formula, ¼ -1 / 2 cup of cereal for breakfast, ½ cup of vegetables and fruits when lunch and dinner, eat contain protein, 2-4 tablespoons each day and
100% fruit juice every day.

Remember: Delivery of food that varies help establish habits and eat later.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Baby, Cow Milk Allergy ?

The Baby, Cow Milk Allergy?

Beware of the consumption of milk cows on the small. Do not your hearts fruit is one
one in between 2% -3% of children, according to several research reports in children under the age of 2 years experience allergic to cow's milk, especially against the contents of proteinnya. Although many have benefited, cow's milk but is considered as the cause of the allergy food on the children who most often and most are found early in their lives.

Specialist children, and Widodo Judarwanto SpA, said allergic to cow's milk is a disease based on the reaction imunologis as a result of cow milk or foods that contain cow's milk. Baby's immune system will fight a protein found in cow's milk so that the symptoms of allergic reaction will appear.

While the board explain Yorva Sayoeti SpA, protein in the form of cow's milk casein
80% and whey (20%). Protein, which most often play the role as allergens (causes
allergy) is a casein, laktalbumin alpha, beta laktoglobulin, beta serum albumin, and
gamma globulin.

Typically, the information Yorva, allergic to cow's milk mainly occurred in the years
The first life baby, and will appear more clearly when the baby started disapih. Symptoms clinical appear to vary from mild to severe. Appearance symptoms can also be quickly seen a few minutes or hours after eating or drinking food made from milk. ? Clinical symptoms that appear most often is The protracted diarrhea, cramps can be accompanied, kolik (stomach illness that periodic) and vomiting,? he explained.

Yorva added, because the cow's milk protein allergens can pass through reastfeeding, diarrhea, allergic cow's milk can in fact also appear on babies who are breastfed drink in the his mother's diet contains milk cows.

Specialist doctors child from Zakiudin Munasir SpA (K), Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta says, if the condition was not immediately known and dealt with carefully, the baby will be anemic or less blood. As a result, the baby or will batita look pale. Over on the Zakiudin even said, "There is a relation between the
allergy and intelligence of children. If the children experienced allergic reactions such as diarrhea, children become often sick. As a result Feed nutrition is not obtained in accordance with the needed. This of course greatly affect the mental development of children.

The impact of other, said Zakiudin, the children who were allergic to, the period of pain experienced by far longer than healthy children that same illness. For example, healthy children which the cough-cold will usually recover within 5 days while the children allergic new can recover after two weeks or more. In addition, children are also very vulnerable allergic against virus infections. So do not close the possibility of other organs like the brain can disease or viral infection.

Although research shows, 80% allergic to cow's milk will disappear or become
tolerant children before the age of 3 years, however, Widodo said, prevention
the occurrence of cow's milk allergy should be done early. ? Must be made of
with the dairy cow milk hipoalergenik is partial to the dihidrolisis stimulate the emergence of tolerance of milk cows in the future. If there is sensitisasi against cow's milk protein or have occurred manifestation of allergic disease, then it must be given cow's milk dihidrolisis the perfect replacement for cow's milk or milk for example soybean,? he said.

Widodo added, allergic to cow's milk that often arise can be easier the occurrence of food allergy and the other in the days when there is damage to channel digested the settlement. Therefore,? Prevention and good handling and sustainable is necessary to prevent the occurrence of food allergy more weight in the future,? he said.

There are 3 phases of prevention that can be done:

    1. Primary prevention
    Sensitisasi done before it happens, since the fetus from prenatal care in the family
    atopik have the talent. Of the form of dairy milk cow hipoalergenik, namely milk cow dihidrolisis partially, so that they can stimulate the emergence of tolerance of milk cows in the future.

    2. Secondary prevention
    Done after the sensitisasi but not allergic reactions arise. Circumstances sensitisasi known by a specific examination conducted on the optimal age 0 to 3 years. Avoidance of cow milk by the non-dairy alergenik, namely milk cow dihidrolisis perfect, or substitute milk cow, for example soybean milk.

    3.Pencegahan tertiary
    Performed on children who have experienced sensitisasi and shows the reaction of disease The allergy is still early, but not yet showing symptoms of allergy such as the more weight asthma. The action is optimal at the age of 6 months to 4 years.


also with the milk of cows that dihidrolisis perfect substitute for milk or cow.
Granting such as drug prevention setirizin, imunoterapi, not imunomodulator recommended because it has not been proven in clinical benefit.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Baby you answer it with backlash or other resistance movements

Baby you answer it with backlash or
other resistance movements

It's true, the baby can communicate despite the language he used different with the language of our day-to-day. Baby or language that often seemed to talk with ANGEL,
usually more easily understood by parents who have lots of spare time with the baby.

Communication babies have done since the first 12 months of their lives. By Damon is important for you prove a mother look more carefully whether your child to the normal development of speech or not, so that when there interference can be detected early. Once that disclosed by figuring out the G Partiwi Surjadi SpA MARS, Director of Development of Children's Hospital Clinic of Mother Jakarta.

Having knowledge about your baby communication can understand what he wants to gratefulness.

Language your baby

Age 4-6 weeks, usually in the preverbal babies like this you have the vocal sound, like "u au or."

Age 2-3 months, usually at this time more familiar with the visual language, where the baby you start observing you or adults who are talking. Usually when you stop talking, baby anada will sound. This a stage to speak your baby.

Age 4-5 months, your baby is usually begin searching for the source of the sound-searching. If there was take someone who speaks it will direct you to see.

Age 6-7 months, usually at about age, your baby is enjoying the game you give, such as "ci-ba-Luke."

Age 8-9 months, babies usually start using your hands to do activities as simple interaction. As wave, the hands requested disaster.

Age 9-12 months, your baby usually start observing the objects of desire in a with the first stone. Usually babies cry when you will not afford them.

Age 12 months, your baby is usually begin their fingers to pointed objects that they want.

Because basically the baby react more slowly than the adults. So from that, as parents you must be patient, and learn from various accident.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

In the digestive disturbances Infants

In the digestive disturbances Infants

Caring for babies not only need patience, but need a knowledge of the treatment true. As handle interference in the baby's stomach is the common symptoms and often found, however, can not lead. Of course, a baby suffering and This interruption should still be skeptical and should not be considered unimportant.

Digestive disturbances in the baby milk can be derived from a formula that consumed by infants assistant food and milk (Pasi) or the baby is too early to receive sapih. Pasi food should be given at the time the baby age 6 months. If too early the baby will be disturbed digestion. Conversely, if given too late food companion, the baby will be malnutrition. Before the babies aged 6 months must accept breastfeeding as the main food for the baby.

dr Rudi Hartono, from the Clinic How SpA said that the new assistant food can be given on the age of 6 months. Because some enzymes such as acid protein breaker
stomach, pepsin, lipase, amilase enzyme, and other new will be produced perfect time
babies aged 6 months. Disruption of digestion itself can be caused by infection (by viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.), ie allergic to cow's milk protein, interference
motilitas because of intestinal infection, disrupted the balance of acid in the blood Base, in sumbatan intestine, defisiensi enzym digestion, malabsorbsi syndrome, etc.. Babies aged 0-6 months susceptible to diarrhea, enzym laktosa because the intestine is not tacky perfect,, so it's difficult to analyze germs that enter the baby so can diarrhea-diarrhea. Therefore, do not give the food a companion too
early, exclusive breastfeeding given enough at the age of about because there are breastfed in the anti body that can be distributed to the baby. In addition to diarrhea, at the age of about baby easily affected digestive disturbances such as constipation, gumoh, and so forth. For babies aged 6-12 months can be given food companion. "But in the age of the baby also attending still susceptible to digestive disturbances, because the anti-body in the body yet works perfectly. Therefore, given enough food that is soft software only, "said Rudi. Babies who are breastfed get food to be of assistance be taken to correct the infant hygiene, ranging from milk bottles, food, and others. Should not give the baby foods contain too much oil, coconut milk, butter or margarine. Because, the dikandung fat foods that will
aggravate the digestive system works baby. Infants affected vulnerable to diarrhea

Some interference in the baby's digestion:

Interference difficult to defecate (BAB) usually occurs in infants at age 0-4 months,
because of the baby and the formation of digestive enzyme digestion is not perfect. Difficult CHAPTER on the baby can be caused by processed milk formula that is too thick. Usually milk formula has a high content of fat and protein low. In infants
receive breastfeeding tend to have weak Feces can serve as the content of fat and protein fisiologinya appropriate. Lack of liquids can as baby constipation. Give
drink water before drinking baby milk to help dissolves in the process digestion.

Generally, animal milk trigger digestive disturbances than that derived from vegetable. Milk vegetable order has not saturated fatty acid longer, so easily digested. CHAPTER interference can also be caused by food. Baby 6 months of age who has been assistant food should be given the fruit-Feed fruit that is processed into liquid and smooth. Avoid bananas and apples that have a high rate of fiber. Apples have a high water absorption in the digestive channel so that dirt can cause the crust. Aberration can also hipotiroid causing the baby to be disrupted SECTION. Gejalafisik which can be seen is bulging belly, rough and dry skin, musculature body is weak, weak and faces a typical such as the pug nose, and face to swell.


Babies aged 0-6 months susceptible to viruses that cause infection in the intestine.
Laktosa enzyme in the body is not functioning perfectly, so baby easy-to-diarrhea diarrhea. Still in its infant this age of 6-12 months, although he has been receiving food companion, but it needs to be about intake of milk formula given. The processing of milk is too thick lead to colon baby food difficult process, so before the milk is digested and consequently the baby out experienced diarrhea. When the baby can be protracted lack of liquids and threatening life. Also caused diarrhea disease from other people's example of the infection. In addition because the milk formula, diarrhea in infants can also be caused because of food a net companions less.

Frequent vomiting

Generally, baby experiencing frequent vomiting. Many things cause, one milk formula. Function of the digestive peristalsis (contraction waves in the stomach wall and
intestine) in infants have not yet formed perfect, so if there is food, such as Feed
milk, which is too thick will be back. Vomiting also can occur, satiety, or because the baby until the baby mulet high pressure in the stomach, consequently, milk out again. In general reflek swallowed by the new perfect baby aged 6 months to the top. So that the baby does not vomit, food should be made more software so it can be easily digested.


When the baby suddenly crying without cause with dispose of wind, then the baby
kolik experience cramps or spastic colon alias. Kolik not dangerous but and not making enough known cause. Probable consequences spastic muscles in the intestinal wall, the air pressure in the colon and digestive disturbances. Usually the baby kolik experienced in the first 3-4 months of life.

Digestion in infants

Infants 0-6 months of age density of cells in the intestine is not good or not ensity
perfect. Babies aged> 6 months throughout the digestive function is running normally
but the anti-body in the body is still not functioning perfectly, so vulnerable to alergy.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Development of Infants and stimulation for your infant (1-6 months)

Development of Infants and stimulation for your infant (1-6 months)

Encourage the baby is incredible, that initially only able to moves the head, hands and legs long run members of the coordination body it works perfectly. According to dr Rudi Hartono from the Clinic How SpA, with Feed nutrition and well stimulation, is expected to grow flower children will walk maximum. So that when delays occur in the small, can be detected and evidence more early. However, do not panic when the baby is not appropriate, throughout still in the age range of tolerance.

1-month baby. Bend and clench his hands and feet to the body. Often shake curving body and head to the side of the foot and accompanied hands moved to the front.

Stimulation: Only movement crossword for the balance of brain and the motor. Left hand
moved along with the right foot, and vice versa. Bunyikan various music, call and talk to do eye contact and give the touch of skin on the baby.

Infants 2 months. Suppress "aaah", "oooh", "uuuh" and "eeeh." Gumaman the results of this pressure on the musculature discretion. Hand and eye coordination for the better.

Stimulation: Gantung toys in the box that he still considered the focus on an object.
For reflex movement, trying to touch the colored. Place the sprawl that can turn heads to one side. Movement is to strengthen tonus (muscle) on the arm and leg side.
Contohkan game that stimulates the baby to imitate, for instance, move the tongue out
and into, and give the baby time to do the same movement.

Baby 3 months. Can distort the body turning. Hands and feet are moving on, lift head and chest when the baby prone.

Stimulation: To the strength of muscles of hands, arms and touch, do a crossword movement play. Gelitiki one of the legs, nerve touch will respond with a reflex movement avoid. Take the baby walk in the home, to recognize the environment.
Help the development of language and visual show with real objects such as bottles, and the last hands to touch the object. Teach various types of emotions as happy, sad, and so forth. Do not forget to respond to the motion movement.

Infants 4 months. Capable of removing the voice of the throat, can be prone, and
rivet body on the feet. Expressing skills, body language, eg smile when people face which, when out about thanks to the forehead I feel comfortable, and turn to face the direction of the source of noise when called.

Stimulation: Practice your child learn to stand in the position it learning on the rivet body feet.
the position of the baby in the lap and give toys that can attract attention and make them reach these toys. Introducing various types of objects in the color and form of the same color to learn to know.

Infants 5 months. Sense of vision baby is sensitive to light and color, the sound of chatter "ba", "da". Coordination muscle hands are also developing rapidly.

Stimulation: Introducing the baby with various objects the same texture, for instance, slippery, rough and to stimulate other senses feeler. Provide toys that beep, the voice can make more out eskploratif. Meanwhile, brightly colored toys can
stimulating impaired visibility.

Babies 6 months. Infants have been able to sit without a grip, and the happy chatter
express feelings of joy, while shouting Ex chatter. Babies will often kick, scrape or rub his feet and include items found in the mouth.

Stimulation: To stimulate attention, vision and physical, take the ball color colors and move to the left and right in front of the face. Let the baby to touch
gross motor ability to train and fine hanging toys or colorful. Give rubber toys that hygiene guaranteed to stimulate the growth of baby teeth.
Introducing the taste of food to various senses taste able to receive the wealth of diverse taste. Take the baby talk, with the development of language inflame it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Diet For Infants

Diet For Infants

Infants also need to diet. According to help out Budiasti.MS, SpGK, nutrition specialists from the Hang Lekiu Medical Center, diet is not to reduce the portion of food, but more to set a pattern of eating. In addition to managing the type of food, but also the composition and schedule. "This is important because if not complete because nutrisinya, the growth of children so not optimal. Of course, children need carbohydrates, protein and fat. Do not forget vitamins and fiber that comes from fruits and plants, "said the help. Principally, the right diet for infants must be able to meet all the needs of energy and nutrition needed to achieve growth and
The ideal development through balanced and healthy food.

Give only breastfed infants aged 0-6 in the month. "Breastfeeding is best because the nutrient content of a complete and balanced nutrient value, is ideal for children to grow flowers. Breastfeeding also protects the baby from infection with various diseases, such as diarrhea and vomiting, ear infection, infection and allergic nagas, "said dr Purnamawati S Pudjiarto, SpAK, MMPed. Until the age of 1 year, breastfeeding is the main source of nutrition for babies, but breastfeeding alone is not enough to meet the needs of the baby. Therefore, the assistant food should be given breastmilk (MPASI).

MPASI according to the concept of Purnamawati, together with the general concept of feeding the children, but with a few notes. "Feedback is not just the process of increasing the length and weight babies. Giving breastfeeding is a learning process swallow, suck, swallowing and cutlery and make the appropriate age, the process demands - recognize the taste and texture, and the process of social interaction - the food is a moment that must be entertaining, "he explained.

General guide children's eating patterns:
Until the age of 6 months, gave baby breastfeeding wish. So, if the past two hours sleep and calm baby, do not need to be developed to be given milk. Because if the baby is comfortable and not feel thirsty, and he will wake and cry to ask for milk. Give food a varied, healthy, balanced and appropriate food pyramid.
Perbanyak consume cereals, rice, bread and vegetables. The least possible use of sugar or sugar foods that are given. Choose foods low in salt, but high calcium and iron.

Babies aged 6 months to the need of vitamin D and calcium, which is enough to tulangnya growth. Is the best source of margarine, butter, sun and fish oil.
Many drinking water.
Some foods such as nuts should be avoided because of potentially cause a baby choke. Baby should also not be given honey because it contains microorganisms which are sensitive to the baby. Avoid also candy, vegetables with cream, soda, food and beverages and other high fat and sugar.